What is Perinatology? (High-Risk Pregnancy)

Perinatology is a discipline related to risk assessment of patients before, during and after pregnancy, feto-maternal; that is, prenatal diagnosis of many fetal-mother-related diseases, making treatment-follow-up plans and applying invasive interventions if necessary, completing the treatments during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum in risky or problematic pregnancies.

In the Perinatology department we serve:

• Combined screening test and early fetal anomaly screening at 11-14 weeks of gestation

• Ultrasonography for fetal anomaly screening at 15-23 weeks of gestation

• Fetal growth and development evaluation and late fetal anomaly screening at 28-32 weeks of gestation

• Diagnosis and management of structural fetal anomalies

• Diagnosis and management of infectious diseases

• Diagnosis and management of genetic diseases

• Diagnostic interventional procedures (amniocentesis, cordocentesis, CVS)

• Erythrocyte Alloimmunization (Rh incompatibility), Diagnosis and treatment of fetal anemia (Transfusion)

• Medical diseases of pregnancy (hypertensive diseases (HT, preeclampsia), diabetes, liver, kidney and blood diseases, etc.)

• Threat of miscarriage, cervical incompetence, threat of preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes (the rupture of the amniotic sac before the birth begins and the waters begin to flow)

• Diagnosis, follow-up and management of fetal growth and development problems (Doppler USG)

• Follow-up and management of multiple pregnancies and their problems

• Diagnosis and management of placenta previa (the baby’s partner called placenta is anterior, that is, the birth canal is closed) and invasion anomalies

• Diagnosis and management of problems (bleeding, etc.) during and after birth are carried out.

Healthy life begins in the womb…

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