What is Postpartum?

It covers the period of 40 days after birth. In this period, it is the period in which the changes in the internal and external genital organs and the body due to pregnancy gradually disappear. 


It covers the period of 40 days after birth. In this period, it is the period in which the changes in the internal and external genital organs and the body due to pregnancy gradually disappear. Although it varies according to normal birth or cesarean delivery, the bleeding after birth decreases to almost non-existence within 7 days and turns into a pink-yellow discharge and disappears after the 14th day, gradually turning into a yellow-white and then white discharge. Ureus, the uterus gradually shrinks and comes to its normal size. In general, menstruation occurs after delivery 40-50 sometimes a little longer. 


In case of excessive groin pain, abdominal pain, excessive bleeding, smelly discharge, swelling in the legs, tenderness-pain-stiffness-fever in the breasts or in doubt, it is useful to see a doctor without delay. It is necessary to be careful in terms of a possible breast abscess. 


If a rapid improvement is not observed, it may be appropriate to consult your doctor. 

Healthy life begins in the womb…

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